The Interrelationship and Contrast between Religion and Politics

Religion and Politics are two interrelated and twinned concept meanwhile it should be considered that both terms is overemphasized in the day to day activity.
The notion of power and issue related to different beliefs, customs, attitudes, behavior and psychological sets in, Prolly there are different religion in the world today in respect to their various belief meanwhile, in one way or other, religion affects politics and vice versa. The universality of politics works along with the recognition of religion, even though extremism set in sometimes, the notion of power cannot be underestimated.
The political issue of a society can be predetermined by the belief, custom and attitude of the masses. Democracy sets freedom which sometimes is limited due to the psychological standards and belief of the people.
In addition, the political system of state and governance determines the way the people behaves, Politics influence religion.
Moreover, most society embrace democracy even not all. 
Religion brought peace meanwhile some extremist tend to reduce the merits of religion thereby creating confusion in the society which in one way strengthen the terrors of the society who call themselves "devil". And engage in terrorism and banditry 
Merits of Politics
1.  It shape the society by controlling power
2. Focuses on the concern of the state - centric system 
3. Determines the decision of the state 
4. The Universality creates national recognition in the Global world 
5. It is practiced everywhere even in churches, mosques, shrines, and temples.
6. Centralization, decentralization,devolution, and deconcentralization of power

Demerits of Politics 
1 The power ridden nature of politics sometimes disturb national peace.
2. Politics is a game of elite trying to save masses but due to brutish, short, nasty and brutal state of nature according to Niccolo Machievelli, some see politics as a dirty game.
3. Some theories are not properly constructed, The theory of Capitalism which says "the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer" and it's full of exploitation. 
Note: I am not a critic of any theory

Religion has it own effect as well as it has empowered the society and shape it system and pave way for  leaders to be made..
Leaders and greatness is made from some set of religion and not those creating nuisance in the society in the name of religion .
I am neither a critic of religion nor Politics.


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