What's your opinion and Solution to the level of insecurity that has eaten deep in the nation?
Insecurity in our nation has been a trending topic in the international politics, What is the Government doing to the insecurity that has eaten deep into the nation, Absolutely doing nothing, Everytime I check my phone for news, I see breaking news every day, News of Kidnapping, News of ritual killing, News of Accident, News of Abduction, News of Stealing and robbery, Hijacking of Buillion van 😫, and so on. What do you expect in a nation where a DCP, Abba Kyari is working hand in hand with drug cartel in Brazil and Ethiopia, A country where in day light Buillion Van is being hijacked, This is really depressing, As a concerned Nigerian Youth, We are crying out to the Nigerian Government to find something to do henceforth, We are no longer safe.
I was going through my phone one day like that, the notification just alerted me that a Top Politician is dead by gunshot, What is this?
In the case of Ritual Killing, This lies in the hand of our people (Desperate Citizens) who are looking for money through any means because they have to survive, There is nothing bad in hustling and making your money in a legal way, I saw a news online on Facebook which I'm still surprised up till today, A 12 year old child (Male) wants to use his Mother for money ritual, Where are we going in this country.lol, Well, it is the sign of endtime which it is said in the Holy book (Bible), Each and every person is destined to be successful in this life, Patience is just the key.
People make money through any possible means that they involve in Human Trafficking and Kidnapping to make money.
Truly, Human beings are wicked when it comes to surviving, Some hunt to survive and live, The Government is not the only one to blame in the problem of our nations, wicked Citizens are also adding to our problems. They encourage rituals online and nothing happens to the ritualists, it's just too bad for the country.
For real, at this point, I don't know what to type again, Moreover, Remember that this world is just a market, Like the Yoruba Adage says, Aye Loja, Olorun Nile, God bless us all..